Use Case

Energy Management

Lower your energy costs without sacrificing productivity

Finding ways to reduce energy consumption and costs without sacrificing output or productivity, across multiple buildings, factories, sites and energy networks, is a key challenge for many industrial businesses today.

Gain deeper insight into how you use energy throughout your production process and use this information to find ways to cut back on consumption or take advantage of variations in electricity prices, so you can lower your energy costs, run a more sustainable operation, and reduce your carbon footprint, without compromising your level of service.

Key benefits

Automate energy-consuming devices

Program specific machines, lights and other energy-consuming devices to shut off automatically when they are not in use or during off-peak hours.

Produce when and where it’s less expensive

Schedule your production processes to take advantage of fluctuations in utility prices during certain times of the day, months of the year, in specific weather conditions or even in countries or locales where energy prices are lower.

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